
当前位置: 网校排名> 环球网校> 第226期:你们有什么特别的运动吗?_初级英语口语
环球网校 翻译资格培训




发布时间: 2016年06月14日



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) What is the police station?

a) a trash can

b) a room

2) There are usually _____ thieves that police.

a) more

b) less

3) The police must catch ____ the thieves to win.

a) all



Topic:What is an unsual sport in your country?

Hi, this is Mike from Singapore and this is for and the question is, what is an unusual sport in your country? Well, I'm not too sure about unusual sports because I don't think there's any but if we are talking about traditional games, then when I was a kid we played this game called police and thief, so let's there are ten people, alright, so usually there are more thieves than police, so four will be police and six will be thieves, and there is a police station. Usually it's just maybe a garbage can, and then one police will be patrolling around the can, near the can, and then the other three police will go around catching thieves, and then as a team you're supposed to hide, and there's a time limit. After, I think usually we set it at ten minutes, and then, it's the police's job to get at least 50% of the thieves, but if you can't catch them in maybe ten minutes, then you lose and you get some kind of a forfeit, but if a thief is caught, he has to return to the police station, which is the garbage can, and then you just put on hand on the garbage can, and he has to stay there, and another thief can come to actually save this guy from jail, right so, all you have to do is tag the thief in jail and then he's free, alright, but of course you can't have the police catch you while you're doing it. It's a great game.


a a b

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