
当前位置: 网校排名> 环球网校> 第135期:你喜欢逛酒吧吗?_初级英语口语
环球网校 翻译资格培训




发布时间: 2016年08月08日



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) What does Mike like to do at bars?

a) Meet new people

b) Hang out with friends

2) What does he dislike?

a) Wasting money

b) Wasting time

3) When he goes out he likes to have _____ .

a) a lot to drink

b) just a few drinks


Topic:Do you like going out to bars?

Hello. My name is Mike. I'm from Canada, and this is for The question today is ... do you like going out to bars? Well, I'm a little indifferent about that question. Sometimes I like going out to bars and sometimes I don't. I like going out to bars when I can go with my girlfriend or go with a couple friends, have a few drinks, relax, talk. That's the type of time I like to spend at bars. But the type of time I don't like to spend at bars is when I go to the bar and I get completely wasted and I spend all my money and I go to sleep really late. I end up waking up feeling really sick and I look in my wallet and I have no money left and I'm starting to hate myself for going to the bar, and those are the times when I don't like going to bars, but if it's just going to bars and having a few drinks with friends, I think it's a great idea. I'd do it all the time.


b a b

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