
当前位置: 网校排名> 环球网校> 第125期:你如何看待网上约会?_初级英语口语
环球网校 翻译资格培训




发布时间: 2016年08月16日



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Would David like to do online dating?

a) Yes

b) No

2) Before he did it and made ________ .

a) a friend

b) an enemy

3) He wants to know _________ before he dates them.

a) how someone looks

b) how someone thinks


Topic:What do you think of online dating?

Hello, everyone. My name is David from Kenya. Now, would I try and do online dating? What goes into my mind right now is just one thing: No! I wouldn't mind doing it because in the past I dated and it never worked out for me. I ended up making an enemy instead of a friend and I wouldn't like to put myself through that. It's really cumbersome and tiresome to try and impress someone when you don't really have any idea about who she is, how she is and where she comes from and what she thinks like her ideas and ideologies and everything like that, so I wouldn't like going through online dating because for me it could be a little bit weird and you know, and it never worked out as well as I thought it would so I'm not an online kind of guy who just picks up women and goes through the dating thing.


b b b

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