
当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 李宁:2013年7月份上海环球雅思口语预测 - 雅思口语
新东方在线 雅思(IELTS)培训


发布时间: 2016年04月20日

李宁:2013年7月份上海环球雅思口语预测 - 雅思口语

上海环球雅思老师、剑桥A Level中国区口语考官:李宁
Weibo: 环球雅思李宁


Part 1

Talk about your hometown
What’s your name? Do you have any special meaning in your name?
What’s you major in university? Do you like it?
What’s your hobby? What do you do in your free time?
Do you like to live in a apartment or house? Why? Please talk about your ideal flat or house
Do you like gardening? Why? Do you think green space is important to the local citizens?
21st century is busy era, my questions goes, how to release your pressures?
Do you like to live in the countryside or city? Why?
Patient, do you think patient is important for you? Why? Do you think Chinese are very patient?
Why we must have enough sleep? Do you think elder people need more sleep?
What’s your favourite TV programme? Why you like it?
Do you like to go to the forest? Why? Do you think we should have more tress in the city? Why?
Do you want to move to another place to try something new? Do you think Chinese people like moving all the times?
Do you think children’s are very necessary to do the house chores? Why?
Do you like cooking? Why?
Why Iphone is very popular in China? Why? When did you have your phone? When you switch off your phone?
Do you like go boating? Why? If you have enough money, will you buy a boat?
What’s your favourite transportation?
Do you like to write E-mail or letter? Why?
When do you send gifts to your friend? What kind of gifts do you often give to your friend?
Do you think it is very easy to concentrate or not? Why?
Do you like to live in old building or new building?Why?
What’s your favourite clothes style? Why?
What kind of music do you like to listen to?
Do you like writing? Why?
Do you like travelling? Why?
Do you like reading? Why?

Part 2

Describe a friend/an important people you met/an interesting person
Describe a book or movies about future
Describe a famous shopping street
Describe a recent change
Describe a cafe or restaurant
Describe an outdoor activity
Describe a speech/lecture
Describe a rule in school you agree/disagree
Describe a party you enjoyed
Describe your favourite website
Describe a good parent you know
Describe a maths class or training class
Describe a book you read recommended by your friend
Describe a courtesy/polite person
Describe a toy you like
Describe a seaside you visited
Describe an impressive advertisement you watched
Describe a place you like to listen to music
Describe a plant in your country
Describe a special meal
Describe an electronic product
Describe an ideal job for you
Describe an experience of being late
Describe a trip by public transportation
Describe another language you want to learn(except english)
Describe an important history event
Describe a picture you like/old picture
Describe a perfect holiday you experienced

Part 3

What types of jobs are preferred by young people today? Why do you think that they prefer these jobs?

Do you think that young people should use their own initiative to find a job or rely on  contacts provided by family and friends?

What kinds of thing in your life give you a sense of personal happiness?

Do you thing that there has been a change in the way children relate to their parents in recent years?

At what age do you think young people should be allowed to make their own decisions?
Why do you think that often a parent's decision is preferable to a child's one? Can you think of occasions when a parent's decision might be preferable to a young person's one?

Why is it important for a person to eat healthy food? Is there a time when “junk food” might be OK?

What kind of things would make a person decide between eating at home or in a restaurant?

Do you think that punctuality is always important?

It is said that older people tend to be more punctual than younger ones, would you agree with this statement?

Different countries have different attitudes towards punctuality, can you think of any reasons for these different attitudes?

Why do you think both schools and employers insist on compliance with sets of rules?

The use of computers and the world wide web has brought many benefits to society. Can you think of any dangers this new technology brings with it?

Sometimes it seems that young people are almost addicted to using their computers. How would you prevent “Computer Addiction”?

What qualities are needed to be a good parent? Are parents always the best teachers of their children? How should a parents set their children a good example?

Should science occupy more time on a school curriculum? In the past exam results have suggested that boys are better at sciences than girls, but that girls do better in languages than boys. Can you think of any explanation for this and how would you remedy it?



