发布时间: 2016年04月27日
新托福独立口语题目: Communication 交流
1. ■49 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, e-mail, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
先比较两种沟通方式的优缺点(relative merits)
? 跟老板、同事沟通,face-to-face communication更好
? 跟愤怒的投诉顾客,telephone更好一些
? 跟情人沟通,当然face-to-face更好。
(2)其他交流方式节省时间,提高了效率。有些问题打电话发电子邮件就可以解决了,不用跑到当地解决。TELEPHONE BANKING
I usually contact my family and friends via Emails because I think with internet connection, emails has offered me quite a few advantages. For example, it’s really convenient for me to write to my friends, at any place and any time. Also, it’s ok if you write something wrong, because you may
always change and organize your language before sending the message. Meanwhile, compared with emails, telephone seems to be a little bit out of date. It might be kind of disturbing to call at an inappropriate time, say, if my parent is taking a shower or something. Also, if you contact people by telephone, you know, what is said is said. You can’t change it. So you have to be very careful not to be rude or anything. So that’s why I really prefer using emails.
Although nowadays, many people choose to contact other people via emails, I still prefer using telephone. Especially if I have something urgent, I will always choose to call, because if you write emails, the people on the other side might not check them very soon. Even if they check them, they might not respond in a timely manner. Also, I prefer to contact by phone because I like to hear my friends’ voices, especially if I haven’t been contacting them for quite some time, I will definitely call to make a little surprise. Finally, whenever I have some important personal things to talk through with my friends or my parents, I will make a phone call, because I don’t think I can expressmyself fully via emails, and calling makes much more effective exchange of ideas.
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