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发布时间: 2016年05月07日

雅思口语考试总结 - 雅思口语


口试PI部分出现了大概12个完全的新题:boat, building, concentration, sleep, patience, trees/forest/plants, being busy, advertisement, sunshine, being polite, history。
其次,口试P2部分的话题还是基本按照人物、地点、物品、事件这四大类来分的。人物类话题中,出现的新题有 “a good parent you know”, “a person who has an important job”, the most polite person you know”, “an interesting person you met recently”。地点类话题中,出现的新题有 “a cafe in your hometown”, “a room you spent most of your time in when you were a child”, “a place crowded with people”, “an interesting country”, “a shopping street’。物品类新出现的话题有 “your favorite kind of clothes”, “a book or film you read or watched about the future”, “a language you want to learn(not English or Mandarin)”, “a useful website”, “a childhood toy”, “an important plant in your country”, “a radio program you enjoy listening to”, “a story you heard when you were a child”, “a rule made bu your school”, “an interesting speech”, “a family business”。事件类新出现的话题有 “an occasion when you were late for sth”, “maths lesson in your primary shool”, “a change you recently have”, “a party you would like to arrange for your friends or families”, “an interesting historical event”, “an outdoor picnic/activity you enjoyed”, “an occasion when you were late”, “a traveling using public transport”, “a way to keep healthy”, “your favorite time in a day”, “a time you helped others”, “a science lesson you had in high school”。
从这些新题中我们可以看出,PI出现的的新题主要围绕一些抽象话题和一些比较专向性的实物话题。这对于考生来说难度大大增加了,以往的考试题目主要围绕一些日常活动或基本信息,所以不管是在描述客观事物还是表达感想方面,考生都比较容易想到具体的回答思路。而今年出现的像 concentration和patience等抽象话题以及像forest和sunshine等的以自然为主题的话题,如果考生不准备充分,那么在考场上很容易出现思路停滞而大大影响其得分的现象。
第二部分新出现的话题中,我们可以看到很多题目其实就是换汤不换药,题目内容点一样,但可能换了种形式来考学生。但是也要注意的是,这并不说明考试难度没有增加,相反,如果考生不注意题目形式的变换,看到熟悉的词依旧采用原本准备好的思路答题,那么很可能导致回答不切题而失分。除了一些换汤不换药的题之外,我们不难发现一些范围更广的像 “a family business”和更专项性的 “math class” “science class”等题,所以在考试话题内容范围上,题目本身所涵盖的知识点越来越大,同样对于考生的能力要求也越来越高



