发布时间: 2016年05月07日
1. What is your full name- How should I address you- How should I call you-
My full name is XXX. And my English name is Jennie. You are welcome to call me Jennie.
Notes: 回答姓名虽然是很简单的问题,但是考生要通过简单的扩展展现出自己与小学生英文水平的不同。很多人把全名full(短音)name念成傻瓜名字fool(长音)name而贻笑大方。在这里考生没有必要大做文章,只要讲清楚姓名就可以。同时因为大多数考官不太会念中文名字,所以最好给出英文名字。
2. Does your name have any special meaning or significance-
Yes, it does have a special meaning. Literally it means to travel as far as beyond the stars.
What’s more, this name was given by a fortune-teller and he said with this name I would marry a great guy.
Notes:其实不知道自己姓名的意思也没关系。只要坦诚的告诉考官就可以。但是不可以简单的说“I don’t know”,而应该做合理的猜测以展现自己出自己流利的英文表达。但是在猜测的时候,考生可以充分的发挥想象力,没有必要长篇大论。
I don’t really know. It is given by my grandfather. I guess it means to travel as far as beyond the starts, because he also wanted me to become a great and successful person.
3. Have you ever changed your name- Why or why not-
No, I haven’t. I’m very happy about my Chinese name. And I guess I am never going to change it.
Well, yes. The previous name I had just sounds so silly. It is even close to the Chinese word for “baboon”. So in order to avoid continuing embarrassing myself, I changed it. And now I’m happy about my current name.
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