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发布时间: 2016年05月17日

深度解析雅思口语part 2的实质 - 雅思口语


对于Part 2,剑桥的官方定义是“'In Part 2,the examiner gives you a topic card. You have one minute to prepare and make notes. Then you'II be required to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.”下面来让我们看一下“深度解析雅思口语part 2的实质”
Part 2的本质是要你做一个description(描述)o为了更充分地理解什么是“description”,您可以回想一下自己小时候上语文课的时候,老师向你描述一个事物时和老师平时说话有什么不同o
☆描述时一定会有适当的思考和停顿( pause)。
l 我们说过,Part 1基本可以看成是chat,但是有些考生在Part 2因为正好遇到可以调;动自己准备过的答案(a prepared speech),就直接把答案无比流畅地背出来o这明显i {不符合正常入描述的习惯
“描述”需要更加精确的语言o而且和Part 1与Part 3不同,Part 2需要在同一个话题的不同方面之间做数次转换,所以对答案的秩序性要求要高一些。过既然是口语,毕竟与写作的严谨度要求不同,所以也不用太呆板( rigid)。
i这一点听起来可能不好理解,但其实您自己试着用母语描述一个话题,1—2分钟你马上就会发现其中的奥秘:这1,2分钟的过程并不是互动( interaction),而只是你自己一个人的独自,不像Part 1那样有考官不断给你信息的反馈(feedback)和新的提问(follow-up.questions),所以你就不必再为了回应新信息去不停地修改你的句式了。
比如下面这道题是<剑8)test 1的Part 2:
Describe a time when you were asked to give
your opinion in a questionnaire or survey.
You should say:
what the questionnaire/survey was about
why you were asked to give your opinions
what opinions you gave
and explain how you felt about giving your
opinions in this questionnaire/survey.
下面这个则是<剑8>test 2的Part 2:
Describe a restaurant that you enjoyed going to.
You should say:
where the restaurant was
why you chose this restaurant
what type of food you ate in this restaurant
and explain what you enjoyed about this party.
◆Describe an experience you had with bad weather.
◆Describe a restaurant.
◆Describe something interesting that you did recently.
◆Describe a foreign film.
◆Describe a person you have learned from.
◆Describe an interesting place that is open to the public.
◆Describe a celebrity you admire.
◆Describe a song you like.
◆Describe an occasion when you listened to foreign music.
◆Describe a conversation you had on the phone.
如果这些“邪门儿”的topics让您感到无所适从,没关系,我们将在后面的Day 8和Day 10对它们以及整个完整卡片真题库进行深入探寻。



