新概念三Lesson 30 讲述了为了躲避逃兵惩罚而在躲藏在农场的“幽灵”——Eric。世界上有很多奇奇怪怪的超自然现象。有这么一个地方:恶魔岛(Alcatraz Island,英语俗称The Rock)是位于美国加州旧金山湾内的一座小岛,四面峭壁深水,联外交通不易,因而被美国政府选为监狱建地,设有联邦监狱,关押过不少知名的重刑犯。关于恶魔岛凶灵的传说……(胆小的童鞋请猛戳关闭)
Alcatraz Hauntings
Alcatraz: Home to wrongdoers, gangsters, and… ghosts. It's no wonder this federal penitentiary is rumored to be haunted by the men who lingered there. It has all the ingredients to hold a person's tormented soul: misery, confinement and fear. ?t is even rumored by the Native Americans to be an energy portal where evil spirits are allowed to come through. This may explain "The Thing" with glowing eyes that has been witnessed by prison staff and inmates alike. There are reports of ghostly figures, screams, banging metal doors, putrid smells and sobbing.
Death was no stranger to Alcatraz. The first reported ones were in 1857 where Daniel Pewter and Jacob Unger passed away under a landslide while excavating between the wharf and the guard-house. There were fatal confrontations between fellow prisoners, guard beatings, and failed escapes off the island. For many, Alcatraz was the last stop before entering Hell which is why it is sometimes called Hellcatraz.
在恶魔岛上,死亡不是一个陌生人。在1857年,发生了第一起死亡事件。Daniel Pewter和Jacob Unger在挖掘码头和警卫室之间的通道时因滑坡事件而死亡。在这里,囚犯之间有严重的冲突,狱警实施暴力,许多失败的越狱事件。而对大多数囚犯来说,恶魔岛就是到达地狱前的最后一站,这也就是为什么恶魔岛有时也被称为地狱岛。
To this day, there is an unexplained disturbing event that occurred in the isolation block of the prison, known as "The Hole" or the "Strip Cells". This level was located on the bottom floor of the prison, in Cell Block D, where they kept inmates who broke the more serious of rules at Alcatraz. They would be stripped of their clothes and held in a cold cell that only contained a sink, toilet, and a small light. They were given a mattress but only at night and it was promptly removed in the morning to ensure continual discomfort and punishment. In the 1940's it was reported by the guard that a figure seemingly from the 1800’s haunted the block. The apparition was seen on several occasions and prisoners claimed they had been attacked by a man with glowing eyes. Since The Hole was an isolation chamber, it's likely that most guards thought the on-going screams claiming attack were hallucinations. On one particular evening, one inmate screamed the night through that he was being attacked by the man with glowing eyes but was ignored by guards who had become numb to such claims. After a night of screams and pleading he finally fell silent. The door to his cell was opened in the morning and the inmate was found dead, a horrible grimace marred his face and handprints were visible around his throat. An examination later determined that these marks were not self-inflicted.