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发布时间: 2016年08月05日

温总理入选“影响美国经济十大人物”(图) -新概念英语






Premier Wen Jiabao is the only non-American on a new top-10 list compiled byUnited States broadcasting giant ABC that names people with the most influence on the US economy。

Premier Wen Jiabao is the onlynon-American on a new top-10 list compiled by United States broadcasting giant ABC that names people with the most influence on the US economy。

The American Broadcasting Company saidWen's influence was massive, despite the 67-year-old Chinese premier'sgeographical distance from the US。

The TV broadcaster said the big 10 are the people who have had the most impact on the world's largest economy since 2000.

Wen was listed behind US regulators Henry Paulson, Ben Bernanke, Timothy Geithner, Sheila Bair and Alan Greenspan. Former AIG CEO Maurice Greenberg also made the list just ahead of Wen。

ABC explained why it included Wen by saying: "Wen Jiabao, the premier of China, is driving a roaring engine."

The article that accompanied the list said China will be increasingly important to the US。

"The world's most populous country is quickly rising to the top of the global economic heap, with a growth rate that has barely been touched by recession," the article said. "Infact, China recently overtook Germany to become the world'sthird-largest economy."

ABC said the 10 people on the list all have either great power or control a vast fortune - or both。

The top 10 list is completed byJPMorgan Chase chairman Jamie Dimon, former Bank of America CEO KennethLewis and investment guru Warren Buffett。

Chinese experts said yesterday thefact that Wen made the list was further proof of improved Sino-US ties.They said the US was acknowledging China's rise as an economic power,in part because it wanted to urge Beijing to compromise on issues,including currency and climate change。

"Apparently, China's rising economicstrength prompted the ABC to vote for Wen," said Fan Ying, a professorof economics at the Beijing-based China Foreign Affairs University."Wen collected the title on behalf of China."

Fan said China had influenced the US economy because of its massive exports and its significant purchases of Treasury bonds。

The fact that Americans consumed somany Chinese products expedited the outflow of labor-intensiveindustries from the US and changed its industrial landscape, she said。

Beijing is now Washington's largest foreign creditor, holding $800 billion in US government bonds at the end of September。

"Washington has never been in such a dire need of Chinese funds," she said。

"It wants Beijing to not massively cutthe Treasury holding so the US has sufficient capital to continuedoling out the ailing financial sector," Fan said。

He Maochun, director of the ResearchCenter of Economy and Diplomacy at Tsinghua University, said Wen iswidely believed to be the driving force behind the $586-billionstimulus package launched by Beijing a year ago, which has helped keepChinese economy afloat during the global economic recession。

Wen's inclusion on the list was welcomed by many Chinese。

"This shows the Chinese economycarries a great deal of weight," a netizen named "dongxue" said, a major online news site。

But experts warned that the US might be expecting Beijing to shoulder more responsibility for global finances。




