发布时间: 2016年08月12日
a 辅音表示“去”(2)
agenda n.议程;日程安排
[例]We should put the safety issue on the top ofour agenda.我们应该把安全问题放在日程的首位。
calendar n.日历
schedule n.时间表;日程安排 vt.安排;定时间
[近]timetable n.时间表(table可以表示“表格”) arrange v.安排
[变]reschedule v.改期
[搭]be scheduled for 定于某个时间
[例]The tours of Faye Wong was schedule for October, 2010, and would last for almost twoyears.王菲巡唱定于2010年10月开始,并将持续近两年。
scheme n.方案,计划;阴谋 vi.图谋
[搭]scheme to do图谋做某事
[例]The exposure of his scheme diminished his public image.他的阴谋的曝光降低了他的公众形象。
plot n.阴谋;情节 vt.谋划
[例]They appear to plot a political campaign against their opponent.他们似乎在针对他们的对手谋划一个政治活动。