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发布时间: 2016年11月15日


新东方托福网络课程免费试听 整理“2016托福口语模板及参考范文:成为艺术家需要天赋”,更多关于托福口语模板、托福口语参考范文。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person needs talent to be an artist.


Well, I believe one can never be a real artist without some talents.

The first one is the talent to be creative because artists cannot just copy others' works but have to create their own ones. And this kind of ability cannot be taught by any teacher or be acquired through practicing.

The second one is the talent to realize the mission of being an artist cause artists are not just interested in arts, but determined to devote themselves to this career. For example, a 4-year-old artist, Aelita, said she’s going to paint for 24 hours. This is not something her parents told her, but an innate desire.


Well, I believe one can never be a real artist without some talents.


The first one is the talent to be creative because artists cannot just copy others' works but have to create their own ones. And this kind of ability cannot be taught by any teacher or be acquired through practicing.


The second one is the talent to realize the mission of being an artist cause artists are not just interested in arts, but determined to devote themselves to this career. For example, a 4-year-old artist, Aelita, said she’s going to paint for 24 hours. This is not something her parents told her, but an innate desire.




具体结合今天的题目:请大家务必看清今天的statement: A person needs talent to be an artist. 一个人需要天赋来成为一名艺术家。

要如何论证?要紧紧围绕:talent 和 to be an artist之间的关系来论证!




Personally speaking, I disagree with the statement cause first, I think being hard-working is an key factor to the success of an artist. (我不同意这种说法——我不认为一个人需要天赋才能成为一名艺术家。因为努力是艺术家们获得成功的关键因素。)If people don't work hard, even though they have talent, they still have no way to prove it. 如果不努力,即使有天赋,也没有机会展示。For instance, one of the most genius pianist, Langlang, has to practice 10 hours every day, which helps him to show his talents. 比如,最天才的钢琴家之一,郎朗,每天都不得不练习10个小时,这才让他得以展示自己的天赋。

同志们,这是严重跑题 打脸啊!

跑题:题目问你:“做艺术家,需不需要天赋?”你回答:“做艺术家,必须要努力。” 额……亲呐,请正面回答问题好吗?你这就好像:老婆问老公:你爱我吗?老公回答:我不爱林志玲。【那你爱我吗?谁管你不爱谁啊?!同理:做艺术家,必须要努力。那天赋需不需要呢?谁管你需不需要努力呀?】

打脸:紧接着,这位同学举了郎朗(后边还举了昨天推送的Aelita的例子),来证明自己:I disagree with the statement 的观点,亲呐!你还记得自己大明湖畔的观点吗?还记得自己disagree的是个什么statement? Statement说:A person needs talent to be an artist. 一个人需要天赋来成为一名艺术家。然后你举的例子里全都是【有天赋】的艺术家——这不正好说明艺术家都需要有天赋吗?









Personally speaking, I disagree with the statement cause people who have no talent can also be artists simply through working hard. Just as a saying goes, nurture wins nature. Through years of training and thousands of practicing, even a person with no innate gift can still be an excellent artist. 【这个时候,你举例子当然不能举什么郎朗、小Aelita这种天才啦!倒是可以举一些先天条件不足的人。比如,可以编个故事,有个人从小就是五音不全——先天条件极差,经历了多年的培训和反复的练习,最后居然成了一名歌唱家。】



1. 【artists cannot just copy others' works】“work”这个词当“作品”讲时,是一个可数名词哦!当“工作”讲的时候不可数

2. 【be interested in sth.】对某事感兴趣。如果是怀有极大的兴趣,你可以说:have passion for sth.

3. 【devote oneself to sth.】 致力于/献身于…… = give all your attention and effort to one particular thing, 你还可以说dedicate oneself/ one's life to sth.

4. 【an innate desire】一种与生俱来的渴望(还有一个叫“内心的渴望” = inner desire)

请注意:这里不能用inherent替代innate。我们看innate的英文解释 = an innate quality or ability is something you are born with 【素质】天生的,与生俱来的;

而inherent是什么意思呢?a quality that is inherent in something is a natural part of it and cannot be separated from it 内在的,固有的,是某物的一部分或不能与之分开。例句:I am afraid the problems you mention are inherent in the system. 你体积的这些问题恐怕本来就存在于这个体制中。(是一种体制内在固有的问题)




