发布时间: 2017年04月24日
英语四级词汇进阶,包含四级考试大纲必备核心词汇,每个单词都有用法实例,此为Lesson 01 第二部分,含mp3。
accompany v.陪伴,陪同;伴奏
She was accompanied by her son.她有自己的儿子陪着。
accomplish v.完成,达到,实现
To accomplish your plans to study abroad in England, you must first take the IELTS exam.要实现去英国出国留学的计划,你首先必须参加雅思考试。
accord n.同意
She was in complete accord with the verdict.她完全服从判决。
according adv.依照
She gets paid according to the number of hours she works.她按工作的小时获得报酬。
account n.①说明,解释②户头;账目
The new law requires a personal ID to open any accounts at a bank.要求在银行开立账户时必须出具个人身份证明。
He accounted for the missing items as lost.他解释称那些不见的物品丢失了。
accumulate vi.堆积,积聚;积累
Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a library is not cleaned daily.如果不天天 打扫图书馆,灰尘很快就会越积越多。
accuse v.指责,归咎
Janet’s boyfriend accused her of lying.珍妮特的男朋友指责她撒谎。
accustomed adj.习惯了的
It took a long time for me to get accustomed to the fast food in America, but now I can’t live without it!我花了很长时间才习惯了美国的快餐,可现 在如果没有快餐,我都活不下去了!
achieve vt.完成,实现vi.如愿以偿
Kermit achieved his dream of marrying Miss Piggy.克米特终于实现了娶佩姬小姐为妻的梦想。
acknowledge vt.承认;确认
The experts reluctantly acknowledged that their estimate of food costs was not accurate.专家们未情愿地承认,他们对食品成本的估算并不准确。
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