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【小编摘要】毛毛虫要减肥健身了,神马方式最适合它呢? I tried all the fitness fads, but my doctor was right all along——walking is still the best e...

2016-08-18 14:56


今天的每日一句是: Recapturing the past is a tricky business. While most memories are simply souvenirs of a happier time, ...

2016-08-18 14:55


The fat of the land Green-minded motorists are making car fuel at home, from used cooking oil Dec 3rd 2011 | from the ...

2016-08-18 11:05


A classic invention Multispectral imaging: A scanner that sees a wider range of colours than the human eye is unloc...

2016-08-18 11:05


『美国的就业市场或许并没有看上去那么糟糕。』 More Americans Calling it Quits: Another Sign the Job Market May be Better Than it Looks 越来...

2016-08-18 11:05


『三分之一的美国人正过着贫困或接近贫困的生活,如果国家不改变政策,越来越多的美国人将身陷困境。』 The Poor, the Near Poor and You 贫者、近贫者与你 Nov. 23rd 2011 | from...

2016-08-18 11:04


A classic invention Multispectral imaging: A scanner that sees a wider range of colours than the human eye is unloc...

2016-08-18 11:04


SIX GOOD BOOKS Our literary editor Maggie Fergusson recommends Jeanette Winterson on her mother, Joan Didion on her...

2016-08-18 11:04


THE WEB IS THE GREATEST INVENTION From INTELLIGENT LIFE magazine, January/February 2012 Nearly two thousand years...

2016-08-18 11:04


The fat of the land Green-minded motorists are making car fuel at home, from used cooking oil Dec 3rd 2011 | from the ...

2016-08-18 11:04


SIX GOOD BOOKS Our literary editor Maggie Fergusson recommends Jeanette Winterson on her mother, Joan Didion on her...

2016-08-18 11:04


THE WEB IS THE GREATEST INVENTION From INTELLIGENT LIFE magazine, January/February 2012 Nearly two thousand years...

2016-08-18 11:04

日本新首相上任 “Yes we Kan”主题T恤热卖 -新概念英语

日本新首相上任 “Yes we Kan”主题T恤热卖   'Yes we Kan' T-shirts a boost for Japan's new PM ...

2016-08-18 10:00

双语:养生“醋吧”成为女性时尚饮料(图) -新概念英语

双语:养生“醋吧”成为女性时尚饮料(图) 相比之下醋吧更容易受到女性的青睐   醋,是调...

2016-08-18 10:00

双语:姚明喜获千金正式当爸爸(图) -新概念英语

双语:姚明喜获千金正式当爸爸(图) 姚明喜获千金正式当爸爸  The 2.26-mete...

2016-08-18 10:00

双语:英癌症老人以死期下注赢取一万英镑 -新概念英语

双语:英癌症老人以死期下注赢取一万英镑   A man with terminal cancer who won 10,000 pounds by gambling on h...

2016-08-18 09:59

世博热词:“首日封”英语怎么说(图) -新概念英语

世博热词:“首日封”英语怎么说(图) 首日封的英文表述就是first-day cover ...

2016-08-18 09:59

双语:维也纳蝉联全球宜居城市冠军(图) -新概念英语

双语:维也纳蝉联全球宜居城市冠军(图) 欧洲城市在榜单中名列前茅,亚非城市排名靠后   ...

2016-08-18 09:59

人类祖母“露西”亮相非洲联合馆(组图) -新概念英语

人类祖母“露西”亮相非洲联合馆(组图) “露西”骨骼化石亮相。右二身穿灰色西服的为专业讲解员TesHom先生 ...

2016-08-18 09:59

奥巴马突访小吃店引发的口语讨论(图) -新概念英语

奥巴马突访小吃店引发的口语讨论(图) 总统的突然出现让店里的员工和顾客都异常激动   美国总统奥巴马在纽约州布法罗就...

2016-08-18 09:59
