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TEXT ONE When times get tough, people with an abundance of disposable income are inclined to keep disposing of it ...

2016-08-10 11:18


TEXT ONE On Tuesday afternoon, as news about the Virginia Tech murders filtered out, the staff of a hamburger restaur...

2016-08-10 11:18


TEXT ONE The idea that mobile phones bring economic benefits is now widely accepted. In places with bad roads, few tr...

2016-08-10 11:18


TEXT ONE “WHANG—Boom—Boom—cast delicacy to the winds.” Thus Ezra Pound in a letter to his father, urging the old m...

2016-08-10 11:18


TEXT ONE When Princeton, the University of Virginia, and Harvard announced last fall that they would drop their early...

2016-08-10 11:18


TEXT ONE For many college students, back to school also means back to downloading music over the university's high-spee...

2016-08-10 11:17


TEXT ONE New York is in the middle of a culture fest celebrating Berlin, a 17-day marathon of music, film, architectu...

2016-08-10 11:17


TEXT ONE Once upon a time—when the U.S. dollar was king—American students blithely flocked overseas to nibble on affo...

2016-08-10 11:17


TEXT ONE Maintaining internal E-mail systems has long been the bane of the university information-technology directo...

2016-08-10 11:17


TEXT ONE Boosted by booming international financial markets, the City of London has not had it so good since the end ...

2016-08-10 11:17


TEXT ONE As Americas digest the news of another gun atrocity, a mall shooting in Nebraska on December 5th, they ...

2016-08-10 11:16


TEXT ONE Scores of workers from MTV Networks walked off the job yesterday afternoon, filling the sidewalk outside th...

2016-08-10 11:16


TEXT ONE The bride and groom, a guitar-wielding rock vixen and a muscle-rippling dragon-slayer, make an odd couple—s...

2016-08-10 11:15


TEXT ONE Tesco is preparing a legal battle to clear its name of involvement in the dairy price-fixing scandal that h...

2016-08-10 11:15

时代新语:脚踏实地的80后“麦兜族”(图) -新概念英语

时代新语:脚踏实地的80后“麦兜族”(图) “麦兜族”的称呼来源于动画片 ...

2016-08-10 09:50

翻译点拨:专家教你搞定这些老大难语句 -新概念英语

翻译点拨:专家教你搞定这些老大难语句 译题一:日前,联合国教科文组织正式批准成都加入该组织"创意城市网络",并授予成都"美食之都"称号,标志着成都成为亚洲首个世界"美食之都"。成都因其拥有高...

2016-08-10 09:50

双语:年初一到年十五传统春节风俗 -新概念英语

双语:年初一到年十五传统春节风俗 说起圣诞节,估计大家都会滔滔不绝,但说起中国传统的春节,大家又知不知道怎么用英语来个简短介绍呢?赶紧来看看吧。跟老...

2016-08-10 09:49

冬奥:冰壶运动员为何总喊“我我我”(图) -新概念英语

冬奥:冰壶运动员为何总喊“我我我”(图) 冰壶运动 在冬奥会上...

2016-08-10 09:49

双语阅读:如果现代生活中遇到孔子(图) -新概念英语

双语阅读:如果现代生活中遇到孔子(图) 老外看《孔子》 大约1...

2016-08-10 09:49

双语盘点:“孩奴”成为社会流行新词 -新概念英语

双语盘点:“孩奴”成为社会流行新词 继“房奴”、“卡奴”、“车奴”之后,“孩奴”也成为新近流行的热词。近日,一篇《80后准妈妈怕成“孩奴”患上忧郁症...

2016-08-10 09:49
