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I am a hip-hop head for life. I have tagged my moniker—— “kepo1”——on walls; break-danced on cardboard; bumped elbows wit...

2016-06-13 10:13


Imagine asking a presidential candidate to sit down for a sensitivity session on gay and lesbian issues. That's exactly ...

2016-06-13 10:12


Jim Boon is a hybrid kind of guy. He drives a Toyota hybrid to work, a Honda hybrid on weekends and, as a manager for Se...

2016-06-13 10:12


At the close of the Kyoto Global-Warming Treaty discussions held in Bonn last week, exhausted negotiators from nearly ev...

2016-06-13 10:12


Half the game is 90 percent mental,“ Yogi Berra once said, or something like that, and science is now getting around to ...

2016-06-13 10:12


Pennsylvania‘s colonial ironmasters forged iron and a revolution that had both industrial and political I implications.T...

2016-06-13 10:11


Europe is often one of the first places people think of when racism is discussed. From the institutionalized racism, esp...

2016-06-13 10:11


We now must address two questions: Firstly,where on Earth is the population problem the worst? It is my opin...

2016-06-13 10:11


Al Hussein is 19. He is struggling to stay seated on top of a huge truck crossing the desert. He has been riding like th...

2016-06-13 10:11


Various accounts have traced the “Big Apple” expression to Depression-Era sidewalk apple vendors, a Harlem night club an...

2016-06-13 10:11


To date, over 1 billion Barbie dolls have been sold. The average American girl aged between three and 11 owns a staggeri...

2016-06-13 10:10

如何根据雅思口语考官的反应判断自己的分数 - 雅思口语

1、考官东张西望,没说几句就说“stop now”,而且基本上盯着卡片,一副对你的表演不感兴趣的样子,从头到尾低着头连点语气变化都没有。 80%——6分 2、考官很有耐心,尽量放慢了速度,而且态度极好,临走时还不忘说...

2016-06-13 10:10


PEOPLE, like most animals, are naturally lazy. So the ascent of mankind is something of a mystery. Humans who make their...

2016-06-13 10:10

突破雅思口语7分瓶颈:词汇和发音很重要 - 雅思口语


2016-06-13 10:10

雅思口语part 1中的习惯和频率类问题 - 雅思口语

在雅思口语考试第一部分中,经常会被问到关于习惯和频率类的问题。 比如: How often do you go to the cinema ? Where do you usually buy your ...

2016-06-13 10:10


The establishment of the Third Reich influenced events in American history by starting a chain of events which culminate...

2016-06-13 10:10

雅思口语应分三个阶段来备考 - 雅思口语

如果肯定要剖释雅思雅思口语学习的结构,其准备应当分为三个阶段: 语音语调的磨炼阶段。 如同小提琴手适才学琴时,拉空弦、拉音阶都要拉上好几个月一样,基本功的练习是必不行少的。语音语调在雅思英语口语中的重要性,不仅仅...

2016-06-13 10:10

雅思口语技巧:I F原则与内外因原则 - 雅思口语

雅思语考试其实不难,关键在于你的思路和表现。如果同学们真的任何思路都没有的情况下,可以试用下面的公式,这些公式帮助过很多高中生,四级没过的大学生取得6.5分以上的成绩,通过思路帮助大家有很多话说,给考官的印象是Even though I a...

2016-06-13 10:10

雅思口语高分的必备句型 - 雅思口语

对于很少开口讲英语的中国烤鸭们而言,雅思口语的难点在于: 一、没话说(特别是第二部分的卡片题,碰到不熟悉的,说不满一分钟); 二、不知怎么说 (脑中出现的总是几个关键词而已,口头连词成句的能力还有欠缺,导致频繁出现b...

2016-06-13 10:10

提高雅思口语需要注意的八个细节问题 - 雅思口语

相对于雅思考试中的其他单项,口语是不少考生的弱势项目。除备考要细致,考试时的一些细节也要引起考生注意,提醒大家尤其要注意以下八个细节问题。 Keep eye contact.保持眼神交流 中国考生在答题时往往眼睑...

2016-06-13 10:10
