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雅思口语范文:一座有趣的建筑 - 雅思口语

Describe an interesting building. You should say: Where it is located. What it looks like. What servic...

2016-06-08 16:56

雅思口语Part1范文:CUSTOMS - 雅思口语

131. Could you tell me something about the customs in China? ( 5 - 8 ) That’s an interesting question. Allow...

2016-06-08 16:56

雅思口语天天练:爱己所有 心存感激 - 雅思口语

Dare and the world always yields. If it beats you sometimes, dare it again and again and it will succumb. 你勇敢,世界就会让步。如果有...

2016-06-08 16:56

雅思口语范文:移动电话 - 雅思口语

Describe a piece of equipment you often use at home or at work. You should say: What it is? What you d...

2016-06-08 16:56

如何辅导转换雅思口语思路 - 雅思口语

雅思口语思路如何转换,备考雅思口语考试的过程中,机经可以说是中国考生的一大特色,同学们想要获得高分雅思口语就需要换一个雅思口语思路,那么如何去换答题的思路呢-?小编带大家简单的了解一下,仅供大家参考,希望对大家得高分有所帮助。 ...

2016-06-08 16:56

雅思口语Part1范文:FUTURE PLANS - 雅思口语

a) ENGLISH 85. What do you think of the importance of English? ( 5 - 8 ) I think that English is very import...

2016-06-08 16:56

雅思口语Part1范文:WEATHER - 雅思口语

122. What is the weather like in your hometown? ( 5 - 8 ) One of the aspects I could tell you about regarding this...

2016-06-08 16:56

雅思口语Part1范文:TRANSPORTATION - 雅思口语

117. What public transport is available in your hometown? ( 5 - 8 ) There is a wide variety of transportation avai...

2016-06-08 16:56

雅思口语范文:一种音乐 - 雅思口语

Describe a kind of music. You should say: Whether you like music or not. What kind of music you like most. ...

2016-06-08 16:56

雅思口语范文之你最喜欢的饭店 - 雅思口语

Describe a restaurant or café. You should say: Where it is. What it looks like. What kinds of services...

2016-06-08 16:56


我们今天一起来看看怎么用美语形容你身边的宅男宅女。 Over the top 夸张 A: I haven't seen Baijie for ten days! Is she still at school? ...

2016-06-08 15:36


每日一句是 The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass yourself and to be worthy of your...

2016-06-08 15:35


Are you insane? 或Are you nuts?你有病啊  例句: 1.What are you, nuts? Your wife's right over there. 你...

2016-06-08 15:31


每日一句是 They say that death kills you, but death doesn't kill you. Boredom and indifference kill you. - Iggy Pop ...

2016-06-08 15:31


听力训练 Answer the following questions about the video. 1) MJ had a bad ______ . a) hair coloring ...

2016-06-08 15:31


照片没拍好的问题用美语怎么说?   1) backlit 逆光 2) blurry 模糊的,虚的 3) closed eyes 闭眼 4) turn the fl...

2016-06-08 15:30


每日一句是 Happiness doesn't depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude. 幸福不是取决于外界环境,它...

2016-06-08 15:30


听力训练 Answer the following questions about the video. 1) Where did she live? a) Los Angeles b) L...

2016-06-08 15:29

高三语文教案 《孟子见梁襄王》

  高三语文教案 《孟子见梁襄王》 《孟子见梁襄王》教案示例 教学目的: 1.解读常见文言词语的用法。 2.进一步体会孟子的“仁政”思想。 3.理解比喻的修辞手法和本文生动的语言。 教学课...

2016-06-08 11:36


  阅读下面一首诗,然后回答问题。 江    上 王安石 江北秋阴一半开,晚云含雨却低徊。 青山缭绕疑无路,忽见千帆隐映来。 1.本诗为作者晚年寓居金陵钟山所作,从诗中能看出作者怎样的...

2016-06-08 11:36
