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从事执业药师工作的考生报考1、2、3、4四个科目,从事执业中药师工作的考生报考1、5、6、7四个科目医学教育`网搜集整理。 序号 科目 ...

2016-05-09 15:42


执业药师免试条件: 按照国家人事部〔1999〕第34号文件有关规定评聘为高级专业技术职务,并具备下列条件之一者,或免试药学(或中药学)专业知识(一)、药学(或中药学)专业知识(二)两个科目,只参加药事管理与法规、综合知识与技能两...

2016-05-09 15:41

公开课回顾:学好新三新二 口语写作不再二! (五)

课堂提要: 一、课文阅读练习 Last week at a dinner party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Lee. Mrs. Lee was a ...

2016-05-09 15:37

公开课回顾:学好新三新二 口语写作不再二!(四)

一、课文阅读练习 'Perfume, eh?'he asked sarcastically. 'You should have declared that. Perfume is not exempt from import duty....

2016-05-09 15:36

公开课回顾:学好新三新二 口语写作不再二!(三)

一、课文阅读练习 I immediately regretted answering in the way I did, but I said,'I enjoy cleaning windows at night.' 'So ...

2016-05-09 15:36

公开课回顾:学好新三新二 口语写作不再二!(二)

一、课文阅读练习 'Whatever are you doing up here Bill?' asked the vicar in surprise. 'I'm trying to repair the bell,' answere...

2016-05-09 15:35

新概念词汇随身听 第一册Lesson121-122:使顾客满意很重要


2016-05-09 15:35

新概念词汇随身听 第一册Lesson123-124:旅途愉快!


2016-05-09 15:35

公开课回顾:学好新三新二 口语写作不再二!

一、课文阅读练习 I never enjoy meeting him. He never has anything to do. No matter how busy you are, he always insists on...

2016-05-09 15:34

新概念英语自学导读:第二册 Lesson92

课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.ask for trouble 自找麻烦,自讨苦吃(多用于口语) You shouldn't have been so rude to her....

2016-05-09 15:32

新概念英语自学导读:第二册 Lesson93

课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presen...

2016-05-09 15:32

新概念英语自学导读:第二册 Lesson94

课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.…children become expert at holding their breath under water even before they can...

2016-05-09 15:32

新概念词汇随身听 第一册Lesson101:他年轻时当过兵


2016-05-09 15:32

新概念英语自学导读:第二册 Lesson95

课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.How did your clothes get into such a mess? 你的衣服怎么搞得一塌糊涂? mess 表示“脏乱状态”时通...

2016-05-09 15:32

新概念词汇随身听 第一册Lesson103:他考试没通过


2016-05-09 15:31

新概念词汇随身听 第一册Lesson104:我的妹妹很聪明


2016-05-09 15:31

新概念英语自学导读:第二册 Lesson96

课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.… the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living...

2016-05-09 15:31

新概念词汇随身听 第一册Lesson106:我一个人抬不动


2016-05-09 15:31

雅思口语范文:A traditional festival - 雅思口语

Describe a traditional festival in China. You should say: What it is. When it is celebrated. How it is celebrated. W...

2016-05-09 15:27

雅思口语素材:请对方慢点说 - 雅思口语

请对方说慢点的说法: 1. Would you speak more slowly? 你能再说慢一点吗? 2. Could you speak up a little? 你能在大声一点吗?(speak up 大声说=...

2016-05-09 15:27
